Richard Walker.Travel Log

Friday, November 28, 2008

Bangkok Heat

Things are heating up here in Bangkok, with the situation at the airports very close to exploding. I think tomorrow will be key in revealing what will happen next. If I was to guess today I would have said coup for sure but now I'm on the fence. It could be that the Police/army steps in to try to remove the PAD from the airports and if that happens who knows how it will go or whether it will get bloody. Another factor is that pro government forces are threatening to take up arms if the military steps in to oust the current govt. This seems to be a major difference from the last coup which ousted former prime minister Thaksin who is now in exile having fled from corruption charges and potential jail time. Basically the way it looks to me is that either the army steps in risking major civil uprising or it does not and the stalemate continues and I am stuck here indefinitely. We shall see.

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